Couscous with orange and lemon
2 person accompagnement – 15 minutes
[This goes well with grilled meat, especially if spiced]
100 grams couscous
1 small onion or shallot, finely chopped
The juice of an orange
125 millilitres water
An orange peeled, split into segment and chopped into pieces
1 Moroccan preserved lemon, pulp discarded, peel finely chopped (fresh lemon zest can be used instead)
12 grams flaked almonds, browned a little in a dry frying pan.
Place the couscous in a large bowl.
Use a small saucepan to bring the orange juice and water to the boil.
Pour it over the couscous and use a fork to mix the couscous as it swells.
Add the orange segments, lemon peel, onion and almonds.
Stir well and serve.